The Royal Historical Commission intends to breathe new life into the publication of Belgian diplomatic documents. Since the publication of the Documents diplomatiques belges 1920-1940 (under the direction of Ch. De Visscher and F. Vanlangenhove, 5 parts, 1964-1966) the Commission did not continue this initiative despite the huge importance for a better understanding of Belgium’s foreign policy. The Royal Academies of Belgium, which will soon finalise the publication of its series of volumes about Belgian diplomatic history between 1940 and 1960, do not intend to continue this initiative.
The Royal Historical Commission does not wish to pursue a mere chronological approach but aims to launch a series of publications that are thematic by nature. They could be achieved with the logistic support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (among others by facilitating access to the documents). Interested researchers are invited to submit a proposal for scientific publication of sources about contemporary Belgian diplomatic history (19th - 20th century) to the Commission, either in the form of an article in the Bulletin of the Royal Historical Commission, or in the form of a book.Prof. Guy Vanthemsche
Secretaris van de Koninklijke Commissie voor Geschiedenis
The Royal Historical Commission launches a call to join the Porta Historica network. It was established in 2006 with the aim of grouping all people or institutions interested in the scientific publication (electronic or paper) of historic sources in the broad sense of the word (documents, reference works, databases). Porta Historica wants to encourage the co-operation between its members (individuals or institutions), among others by publishing critical discussions of electronic source editions, by organising symposiums and by encouraging information exchange on its forum. Registration is via the site